Yes, "compatible and compliant", as it is formulated. Nevertheless, SPiCE-Lite focuses much more on Capability Levels 1 to 3 and only touches Level 4 und 5 with minor volume than the reference model in ISO 15504, Part 5 does. Therefore SPiCE-Lite is much easier to use than SPICE. But if you have to dispute with the genuine text from SPICE, then we recommend o use the assessment tool SPICE 1-2-1.
Now there is a newer verision of CMM (Capability Maturity Model) available, it is called: CMMI (CMM Integrated). This CMMI is a direct successor of the well known CMM version 1.1 and it arrived instead of CMM 2.0. The good message is: CMMI claims to be SPICE (ISO 15504) "compatible and compliant". So now, in theory, a SPiCE-Lite assessment (calculated according to SPICE results) would be comparable to a CMMI assessments. but in practice, the assignment to the CMMI Process Areas is not that easy, because there sometimes is a different picture of the world behind. More info can be found at CMMI-Institute, but maybe you are more happy if you can check it out from the viewpoint of the assessment tool. Visit
No! Never! The big value of performing an assessment consists not only of a simple judgment of your current situation - it is much more: the confrontation of different opinions and viewpoints in your organization! For example, take your project manager, a software engineer and a tester and do the assessment together! You will be astonished how you could live up to today with that different opinions in your organization.
If you are satisfied a 100% with the current situation, then you don't need a SPiCE-Lite Assessment.
But: "If you stop becoming better, you just stopped to be good."
And SPiCE-Lite helps you and your colleagues to identify your potential as well as the dangerous potholes on your way to success. SPiCE-Lite is used in many organizations to create the right atmosphere of motivation and information to enable changes into the right direction.
Because "Motivation without Information is Illusion"